Bad Seed | Film Threat
Hitmen abduct a manchild and threaten him at gunpoint. He deserves it. High noon. The sun is beating down on a winding desert road as a beige sedan snakes its way to the framework of a dilapidated house.
"The Proposed" Debuts at Dances With Films
The comedy film, "The Proposed," written by Harris Management clients, Joe Gonzales and Bradford N. Smith, and directed by Gonzales, screened at the popular and fast growing Dances With Films International Film Festival held in Hollywood.
Alumni's Film Punches The Global Ticket
Bradford Smith and Joe Gonzalez met while sitting in hard, plastic desk chairs in a California State University, Northridge screenwriting class more than five years ago. Today, they work side by side in Gonzalez's living room, where he sits in an "ugly brown chair" and plugs his laptop into his television, collaborating on screenplays that have earned the young duo invitations to global film festivals.
"Death to Cupid" at San Diego Comic Con
Harris Management's Joe Gonzales and Bradford N. Smith, who team up as writing partners, have gotten word that their popular short film, "Death To Cupid," has been chosen to screen at the upcoming Comic-Con in San Diego.
"Death to Cupid" Crew Screening
"Death To Cupid," a new film from writers Joe Gonzales and Bradford N. Smith, and directed by Gonzales, screened this weekend in Los Angeles before a full audience. The film is romantic comedy that features a cast of characters including Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Leprechaun, The Tooth Fairy and of course, Cupid himself.
"Storyville" Places at Cinequest
"Storyville," a TV series script about 1903 New Orleans, the birth of jazz, race relations, prostitution and politics, has made it into the Top 10 of the prestigious Cinequest Screenwriting Competition. The script was written by Joe Gonzales and Bradford N. Smith who will be on hand in February along with the other finalists for the announcement of the winners and to be there to meet with film and television industry executives there to discuss these top scripts.
Joe and Bradford Sign with Harris Management
Continuing to build on its already talented roster of writers-producers, Harris Management has signed a management deal with the writing duo of Joe Gonzales and Bradford N. Smith, a writing team that has already garnered some serious critical and industry attention for their scripts.